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The polyurethanes Rollers are available in different size and capacity and used widely for toughness, durability & high load bearing capability.

With the active support of our team of experts, we are engaged in offering a huge gamut of polyurethane roller. This polyurethane roller is specially designed and developed to meet all the needs of our clients. We take into account the international quality standards set by the industry and offer suitable range of polyurethane roller. These polyurethane rollers are capable of functioning for long hours.

Key Performance Indicator :

  • No run out on finished diameter with reference to bearing size
  • Wide range of coating to counter chemical / solvent effect
  • Dimensional accuracy
  • Corrosion and abrasion resistant


  • Best printing result
  • Long life
  • Maximum colour registration
  • Anti-Static
  • Minimum or No Chemical effect
  • Good abrasion resistance
  • Better dynamic properties
  • Uniform quality
  • Good ageing resistance